Who We Are



Joy enjoys encouraging and chatting with people. She loves fresh ideas and likes to share Jesus in an honest and comforting way. She is the Team Leader and also involved in several groups, such as Alpha, Bible Study, Kidz Zone, and Tiny Tadpoles. She is the Chaplain of Little Fishes Pre-School and can often be found meeting parents/children at the Coffee Bar. She is married to Mike, enjoys walking, gardening and spending time with family.


Mike has been at Storehouse Church since it started. He is married to Joy and they have three sons. He enjoys looking for creative ways to share the truth of Jesus and likes to make the link to every day life. He is part of the worship team and occasionally treats the church to his own written songs.


Gwyn’s passion is teaching - not just imparting facts and information but also knowledge and wisdom to help us live life to the full as Jesus promised. Gwyn is married to Margaret and they enjoy being parents and grandparents. Gwyn is originally from Wales and supports their rugby team.


Pete is a ‘people person’ who enjoys communicating and connecting with people around him. He likes to share his love for Jesus honestly and in an illustrative way - with a little bit of fun too. Pete is married to Jenny and they have three children and two grandchildren. His passion is his family, his garden and football.



Loving God


Storehouse Church is a place where you can be who you really are before God and before others. We are open and honest with each other about our lives, knowing that we will be accepted but also knowing that there is help to become the person that God designed us to be.


As a kingdom-orientated, relational movement, we celebrate the equality of all God’s sons and daughters as co-heirs with Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves afresh to pursuing the righteousness and justice upon which God’s throne is established.

Loving Community


Church is a community of people. It doesn’t take too long before people start to comment that it feels like family. We are a community committed to sharing our lives with one another. We are also committed to living in and reaching out to the community around us on Northampton East. 

We are working with other churches in Northampton to share the love of Jesus. As a church we are developing links with Central Vineyard in Northampton.

Together with St Peter’s Church and Emmanuel Church at Weston Favell we support a Foodbank and it is also important to us to support Fairtrade products, which stands for better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

Making Disciples


Everything in the Kingdom of God is designed to grow. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow in Christ-like character, generosity and gifting because that enables God to use us to our fullest potential. We are growing disciples of Jesus who reach out to others to disciple them. 

We give all ages the opportunity to identify, develop and use their gifts in God’s service.

We got an Award

We won a Silver Eco Church Award in recognition of our efforts to care for God’s earth. This includes how our church expresses care for God’s world in our worship and teaching. How we engage with our local community and in global campaigns, as well as in our personal lifestyles.